Becky Olorunpomi

The annual thanksgiving anniversary of the Abraham and Sarah fellowship held December 5th – 7th, 2018. The three-day event started on Wednesday, December 5th with a visit to the Federal Nigeria Society for the Blind in Oshodi, where the fellowship presented the society’s Vocational School with a gift donation and prayed for both students and administrators.


Responding to the visit, Executive Secretary of the society, Mrs. Omowunmi Ogunkua appreciated the kind gesture of Pastors Taiwo and Nomthi Odukoya, and the Abraham and Sarah fellowship towards the school. She prayed for more strength for the senior citizens. “Your journeys in life will not be truncated,” she said.


The senior citizens thereafter went to Little Saints Orphanage at Palm Grove for a special visit. They were welcomed by Mrs. Dorothy Dennis who engaged them in short interactive session, also briefing them about the home and its activities. Members of the Abraham and Sarah fellowship prayed for the home and the founder, Mrs. Dele George, and presented gifts to the orphanage.


Day two of the anniversary celebration saw members of the fellowship present a special musical rendition at the Thursday Showers service. After which they headed to the Old People’s Home at Yaba where they shared the Word of God with fellow senior citizens at the centre and also prayed for them. They also extended love by sharing gifts with residents of the home.


The Thanksgiving Anniversary which ended on Friday, December 7th, was crowned with a special time of praise and merriment as the senior citizens gathered at Darlington Hall, Ilupeju to praise, dance, pray and share. The event started at 2pm with Abraham and Sarah fellowship members, loved ones and friends present. Also in attendance were Pastor Dr Nzegwu, Pastor Dapo Williams, Pastor Abiodun Soderu and Pastor Paul Briggs – who represented the Senior Pastor of The Fountain of Life Church.

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While delivering his short exhortation, Pastor Briggs congratulated the Abraham and Sarah fellowship for their love for the things of God. Speaking from Luke 17:12-19, he said that believers always ought to give thanks to God for sending Christ to earth to save mankind. According to Pastor Briggs, Christmas celebration is possible because of Christ’s crucifixion, resurrection and ascension. “Jesus has resurrected and that’s why we are here celebrating because we have resurrected with Him. That’s why we are to be thankful to Him for giving us abundance of life,” he said.


He urged them to continue to be thankful to God and keep up their culture of sharing the joy of Christmas with everyone around them. “Throughout the month of December, don’t pray again or ask God for anything. Just give thanks,” he stated.


The evening ended on a high note with attendees sharing testimonies of God’s faithfulness, and joining their voices to sing hymns and songs of praises to God.