Pastor Taiwo Odukoya, during the February 5 Anointing Service said that God is the God of all possibilities and that whatever He promises any of His children will definitely come to pass.

According to him, there can never be any impossibility in the presence of God because His power is always ready to perform. However, believers need to believe and have faith.

Speaking from Psalm 89:30-36 and Mark 9:14-29, he said that every sorrow will be turned to joy in the presence of God. “Nothing is impossible with Him but you need to know the God you’re dealing with,” he noted.

He further stated that Christians should be careful of the company they keep because it can affect their faith in God even though they are still born again. In his words, Don’t stop believing in God until you receive your blessings. It doesn’t matter how many times you have failed, or that people have failed you, once you’re in the presence of God, don’t doubt, just believe. Be in the company of believers. Don’t join the naysayers, they will affect your faith just as the man’s faith was affected so much that he wasn’t sure if Jesus could heal his son.


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Every child of God, according to Pastor, must have the positive mindset of possibilities irrespective of the challenges. “Keep on looking unto Jesus. No impossibility in your life. Believe and see how God would marvel you and your mockers would be shut up permanently and He will be glorified.”

ALSO READ  Count it all Joy, Pastor Taiwo Tells Fountaineers

The service ended with anointing of attendees by the laying on of hands.