The move of the Spirit was evident on the second day of the Word Explosion Conference with International Guest Speaker, Anointed Minister of God, Author and former Senator, Dr. Cindy Trimm, speaking the mind of God to the congregation in such powerful, precise, prophetic declarations and words loaded with wisdom.

Preceding her message, was a charge by Pastor Nomthi Odukoya who admonished the church to be ready to receive the Word. “The Words that will be hitting you today might be something you’ve heard before, but you’ll receive a fresh revelation in Jesus name. Be ready for the Word, be ready for specific instructions from this pulpit”, she said.

Dr. Cindy Trimm, speaking on a topic she titled Something Is Brewing on the Horizon, picked her main scripture reference from Heb. 11:7. She spoke about her love for Nigeria and how blessed Nigeria is. She said, “I can never give to Nigeria what Nigeria has given to me. Nigeria is a blessed country, but you have believed the lie from the international media that Nigeria is bad. Listen, you are living under an open heaven and you don’t realise it. From today, you are going to start defying every odd in this country”.

Dr Trimm proclaimed blessing on the congregation saying, “I can see an increment of 20 years. I can see an avalanche of blessings coming. There is someone in here with a breakthrough idea. God is going to reset your faith and refocus your vision. You are anointed without measure”. She said, the anointing empowers you to do somethings within your lifetime.

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She went on to identify the challenge of Nigeria as one of recognition not of resources, adding that recognizing who you are will help you identify and maximise your resources.

Speaking on the value of time and timeliness, she said, “You never get a day, seconds, or hours back after the sunset. Every assignment is time sensitive. This is a season of restoration and acceleration. This is a season of awakening when the church will no longer be suffering from identity crisis. The problem of the church, according to her, is not the Christens, it is converting Christians to believers…”

Talking on crisis, she explained that whenever you have crisis in your life, there is contraction in heaven and heaven need your permission to move on your behalf.

“You are the next right now. God has chosen you, but you’ve got to choose to be chosen. Like Prophet Isaiah in the Bible, you’ve got to say “Here am I, use me!”. God is getting you ready to put the awesome back into your life.”

Motivation, according to Dr. Cindy Trimm, is not the same thing as anointing. Most people are anointed to do certain things, but they are not motivated to do those things.  According to Dr Trimm, Motivation has two sources:

Intrinsic: This has to do with something you experience within you.

Extrinsic: This is concerned with something you experience outside or around you.

She further encouraged believers to get their motivation back on. “You have to train your mind to move away from what you don’t want to what you want in your life”, she said.

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Dr Trimm also encouraged believers to be motivated by their God-given vision. “How happy are you now with your life on a scale of 1-10%? If you are not happy about it, what are you prepared to do about it? God says turn your eyes from the crisis and let Me show you your potential and purpose that you are born with”, she said.

Reported by Samuel Adu

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