I am grateful to God for good health. I appreciate His faithfulness over my life for the past 40 years. Indeed, my God is faithful. I give glory to God for saving my life throughout the four surgical operations that I had. I had my three children through surgical operations, with my last baby coming on December 4, 2010. After that, I promised God never to go back for any operation again, that means no more babies.

Six years after I had my last baby, I discovered that my stomach was growing bigger. It was so big that people started calling me ‘iya ibeji’, thinking that I was pregnant with another baby. I had to work on my diet and also went to the gym, but there was no improvement. My husband suggested that I go to see my doctor. So last year October, I went to see my doctor and he said that I had hernia and the only solution was surgery. I was devastated and became fearful.

I attended Thursday Showers the next day, greatly disturbed in my spirit with the thought of not surviving the fourth operation. But thank God for His word. As the message was going on, Pastor Taiwo said, “I feel the fire” and a word of prophesy came that “It is the lie of the devil; you will not die young, you will finish well!” I received it immediately and began to prophesy life.  After the service ended, I picked a promise that ‘I will not die; I will live to declare the work of God in the land of the living.’ That was a confirmation of what Pastor Taiwo had said.

ALSO READ  ‘God’s Mercy Will Reach You’, Pastor Taiwo Declares at November Anointing Service

I also approached Pastor Taiwo after the service and he prayed with me, anointed me and said, “Go and come back to testify.” This boosted my confidence in no small measure.

By December last year, I decided to go for the surgery and, to the glory of God, it was successful. I am alive today to share my testimony. I want to thank God for turning my mourning into dancing. Praise God!