Pastor Taiwo Odukoya urged the congregation at the August 4 Sunday service to pray without ceasing and sing songs of praise to God, noting that these are the keys to a victorious Christian life. Dwelling on James 5:13-20, he said, “Counting everything as joy will take you through the pathway of patience and endurance. And in overwhelming situations, prayers should be made to God for wisdom.”

He added that praying in faith is what God requires and not just praying. According to him, what many Christians call prayer is actually grumbling and complaining. This, Pastor Taiwo said, will not yield any result or response from God. In his words, “Doubting Christians will not receive anything from God. It is not enough to have faith, the product of faith must be seen.”

Pastor Taiwo then urged believers to let the Word of God dwell richly in their hearts and walk in the instructions therein so that it would be easy to sing and pray always, thus living a life of victory. “The precious blood of Jesus Christ has imputed to you His righteousness and eternal life with God. You are in right standing with Him, so your prayers ought to be much more effective,” he said.

ALSO READ  God Prefers Joyful Heart, Pastor Taiwo Odukoya Insists