Ministering at the October 16 Sunday service, the Senior Pastor of The Fountain of Life Church (TFOLC), Taiwo Odukoya, told the congregation that everything about the Christian walk is based on promises, adding that God’s covenant is based on His promises, and He will not deal with His beloved outside the covenant.

Speaking from Genesis 17:15-21, Pastor Taiwo used the account of Abram, whom God took through the right processes, including changing his name to Abraham, before giving him the promised child, to say that every child of God who has the promise of God in his or her life would go through the proper processes before getting the promised covenant.

Still dwelling on Abraham and Sarah’s lives and how difficult it was for them to believe the promised child was still going to come, as recorded in Genesis 17:17-19, Pastor Taiwo said that there would be times when God’s response to His children’s prayers and requests would not match their expectations.

The preacher admonished believers not to lose hope at such times but to align with God’s will and not to help Him fulfil His promises.

According to the clergyman, God is faithful to bring to pass whatever promise He has made with His children, just as He brought to fulfilment His promise to Abraham and Sarah, just as he added that believers should learn to focus on His promises and not on their situation if they desire to inherit these promises.

“Despite your doubts and possible scoffing at God’s promises, He will still fulfil His words. So you only need to look away from your physical inabilities and judge God to be faithful,” he said.

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According to him, focusing on God’s promises can be difficult, just as it was not easy for Abraham and Sarah, but believers have the Holy Spirit to turn to, just as promised in Acts 1:8.

Pastor Taiwo Odukoya said, “Jesus did not leave us orphaned when He left. Instead, he gave us the Holy Spirit, who now dwells inside us; hence, the Holy Ghost gives us the capacity to do what our natural self cannot do.”

He went on to enjoin the congregation to stop focusing on the lie of the devil in their situation or circumstance but to start seeing themselves in the light of God’s promises, stating that they are to judge Him faithful, who has promised.