The Senior Pastor of The Fountain of Life Church (TFOLC), Ilupeju, Lagos, Pastor Jimmy Odukoya, has emphasised the genealogical connection of the nativity story, tracing the birth of Jesus Christ from David’s lineage down to Joseph.

Speaking, while referencing Matthew 1:12, during the Sunday service of December 24, 2023, the Senior Pastor, pointed out that the focus on the birth of Jesus has often centred on Mary, but the promise of the Saviour’s birth was hidden in the lineage of Joseph.

He revealed that the core of the salvation plan revolved around adoption, stating that without Joseph adopting Jesus, the aim of salvation would have been futile.

The Senior Pastor, who spoke on ‘The Christmas Story (1)’, highlighted that every significant move of God starts with an individual.

Drawing examples from Abraham, Joseph, and Enoch, the preacher encouraged the congregation not to underestimate what God could accomplish through them.

Quoting 1 Corinthians 2:9, the clergyman declared that obedience and love for God are the essential elements for being used by Him.

Also referring to Luke 6:46–49, Pastor Jimmy encouraged believers to yield completely to God’s instructions and direction, emphasising that our existence is for a purpose.

Expanding on the concept of adoption through the scripture, Pastor Jimmy clarified its significance with scriptural references from Romans 8:15, 23; Romans 9:3-5; Deuteronomy 14:1-2; Ephesians 3:1-5, and Galatians 4:4-5.

He urged waiting mothers not to view adoption as illegitimate or a lack of faith, adding that the redemption of man is concealed within the adoption process.

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Stressing the importance of right association through the birth story of Jesus, Pastor Jimmy opined that if Joseph had been betrothed to someone apart from Mary, that person would have carried the Divine promise.

Citing negative examples from Samson and Achan, he advised that association should be Spirit-led, as it can attract either blessings or curses.

The cleric, while emphasising the ‘sixth month’ recorded as Elizabeth’s conception period in Luke 1:26 and 36, reiterated the significance of timing in everything under the sun.

Pastor Jimmy clarified that Elizabeth’s barrenness was not due to sin or a curse, but because she bore John the Baptist who would herald the coming of Jesus.

In his conclusion, the man of God cautioned against unhealthy comparisons of achievements, drawing a distinction between a sprinter’s race and a marathon runner’s journey. He further admonished that believers should focus on Jesus, “the Author, and Finisher of our faith”, and reassured the congregation that if God has promised, it will undoubtedly come to pass.