Before going into the message for the day, Pastor Taiwo at the October 18 Sunday service dwelt briefly on the ongoing protests by the youth against oppression in Nigeria, stating that if there was ever a time to pray for the country, that time was now.

He reminded the congregation that the Scripture rightly declared that the glory of the youth is their strength, while that of the old is their grey hair which symbolises wisdom (Proverbs 20:29). He therefore called for a collaboration between the young and the old in order to bring about the much-needed progress in the country.  “The wisdom of the old is to harness the strength of the youth. It is this combination that ensures progress,” he said.

Pastor Taiwo then prayed for both the youth and the leaders of Nigeria. In his words, “God will specially protect the youth. And He will give the old, particularly those in leadership, the wisdom to find appropriate solutions to the problems of the country and follow them through quickly in Jesus name.”


For a child of God to come out of or handle any distressing situation successfully, he or she must pray. These were the words of Pastor Taiwo at the October 18 Sunday service. He took his text from 2 Corinthians 12:9 as he continued his message on ‘Grace for Covenant Exploits’.

He stated that although God may not answer us the way we want Him to when we pray, He will always answer by making His grace available to us. He noted that God operates on the basis of covenant with His children as they live a shared life with Him. “So no matter what you are going through, His covenant love and grace are enough for you. He is with you all the way,” he said.

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Pastor Taiwo urged the congregation to stop dwelling on the problem, whenever they encounter difficult situations, but to rather pay more attention to their covenant with God. In his words, “For every sustainable act in the Bible, you will find grace. That was why David, in Psalms 23, was bold enough to declare that though he walked through the valley of the shadow of death, he was confident of God’s presence and grace with him.” According to Pastor Taiwo, David spoke his conviction as a covenant child of God, adding, “If you don’t speak your conviction in the face of trouble, the conviction of the enemy will rule your life.”

He then declared to the congregation: “Regardless of the darkness, your light will keep shinning from glory to glory in the name of Jesus.”