“It is your Birthday and there is a party. God has made everything ready for you. Don’t be
missing at your Birthday Party!”

That was the charge with which the Senior Pastor, Jimmy Odukoya, exhorted Fountaineers at
the Sunday Service of June 2, 2024, while speaking on the theme for June, Supernatural Celebration.

Using Psalm 2 as the anchor Scripture, the Senior Pastor declared that God, from the beginning
of time, had prepared a birthday party for all would-be believers at the coronation of Jesus
Christ. The clergyman also read Ephesians 1:1-15 to drive home the point that God, out of time and ahead of time, had put in place a redemption plan for Man that will always abundantly accommodate for Man’s frailties.

“God is not stingy with His grace. He lavishes it in abundance in anticipation of your failures, even before you failed. If God cannot disown Jesus, God cannot disown you,” he said.

Continuing on the constancy of God and His redemption plan, Pastor Jimmy said, “Your sin is not big enough to destroy God’s purpose and plan for your life. He’s never shaken by, norreactive to whatever happens in time, because He had planned it all out of time, right from the beginning of time.”

Pastor Jimmy Odukoya complained how many people, either out of ignorance or unbelief, choose to be absent at their own birthday party.

“What makes a party complete are the guests who come. There is no party without guests. It is painful, however, that many people have kept refusing to show up at their own birthday party (Matthew 22:1-14). God has made everything ready for you. Don’t be missing at your own Birthday party!”

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On how to gain access to the party, the Senior Pastor cited John 3:1-8, 1 John 5:1-3, & John 1:12-13 to say that believing in Christ and being born of Water and the Spirit is what it requires to be part.

“In Christ, God had you in mind before the foundation of the world. With Christ’s offering on the Cross and His payment of the full price, the best of God is now available to you, and you can only access it by true belief in Christ, the Son of God”.

He continued: “Grace is not a blank cheque to sin. It is God’s guarantee that He will always redeem you to Himself, if you return and allow Him to.”