Bishop David Abioye, the Vice President of the Living Faith Church A.K.A Winners Chapel and also the Presiding Bishop of Living Faith Church, Goshen City, Abuja who ministered at the just concluded Word Explosion Conference 2019, spoke vastly on the need for believers to understand our identity in Christ in positioning for New Creation Realities.

Speaking on the topic “Maximizing the purpose of New Creation”, the Bishop revealed that the devil keeps harassing Christians simply because they refuse to grow up. He stated that in order to benefit from the new creation virtue, Christians must be able to decipher the difference between admiring a container and tasting its content. He identified the devil’s greatest weapon as capturing the identity of Christians by playing on their ignorance. Irrespective of challenges, your identity in Christ does not change, he added.

Unraveling his topic, Bishop Abioye hinted that understanding the purpose of a thing is the key to maximizing its purpose. Defining new creation as repeated creation, he said the context shows that there was an original concept of creation which was corrupted. Citing Genesis 1:26-28, Bishop Abioye said that God made heaven for himself and the earth for men which was just a duplicate of heaven where he can come to relate with the man. Satan, envious of this, made corrupt the relationship through sin. The essence of New creation realities is to bring us back to Eden where God can relate with us. Referencing 1 Peter 1:4, the bishop affirmed the need of knowing why we are saved. The new creation reality is vast and it requires you to see through the scriptures. This, he said, can only be visible through an increase in knowledge content and depth in the word of God. Citing Genesis 13:14-15, Bishop said everything written in the scripture is believable and the application of our faith to it is what brings results.

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Reading from the book of Proverbs 23:7, he highlighted that our inability to see limits God’s supernatural manifestation in our lives, hence we need to constantly feed our mind with God’s word to change our mentality. Our new creation must be a lifestyle where we stop discussing with the devil and start making declarations of who we are in Christ as Christ did when he called Himself by who He was. Our role in new creation is searching out who we are through the scriptures, he said.

Inferring from 2 Corinthians 5:17-20, Bishop Abioye expressed that new creation is not just a status but a call for responsibility. As babes in Christ, we come to him as a liability but His desire is for us to take responsibility, he added. Citing Revelation 1:6, he said irrespective of our present state, God always has a new status for us.

Bringing his exhortation to a close, he circled on the importance of Soul winning and establishment as the greatest power available to attract divine presence. Citing Matthew 28:19 and Luke 14:21-23, the Bishop expressed that every Ambassador enjoys immunity when they carry out their responsibility. If salvation is not extended to others, it will lose its value.

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