The 2019 edition of Emerge Leadership Conference organised by Church 3:16, the youth arm of The Fountain of Life Church, started on a resounding note. With the theme, Unleashed, the event which held in the main auditorium of the church on Friday, September 13, started with a stage drama. The drama illustrated the unrestricted power in a believer using the biblical contest between Prophet Elijah and the prophets of Baal on Mount Camel recorded in 2 Kings 18.

Day One

The first speaker at the conference, Pastor Nomthi Odukoya, while addressing the audience said that power doesn’t have to be noisy for its impact to be felt; noting that the kingdom of God isn’t in words alone, but in power.  In her message titled, “The Miracle of a Servant Girl”, the founder and president of Fundawazi said that every child of God has power and authority over every issue and circumstance; stating that this is what differentiates a believer from others. “There’s time to wave hands and manifest, but believers need to walk and know what they carry. It is not in word but in power,” she said.

Speaking from 1 Corinthians 4:20, Luke 10:19 and 2 Kings 5:1-19, she stated that believers need to be aware of the power they have so that they would be able to unleash it when necessary and make them victorious. “When something is about to happen, God would single you out. But you have to be aware of the power that you carry so you’d able to unleash it. God has spoken some powerful things concerning you, so walk in them in power,” she noted.

Using the account of the slave girl that was captured by Namaan who also helped proffer solution to his leprosy as an illustration, Pastor Nomthi said that many beautiful destinies are under the bondage of the power of the enemy and only the power of God can release them. This, she said, would only be possible when Christians know who they are, get emboldened and activate the power in them just as the little slave girl did even though she didn’t look like she had a solution. “You don’t have to look like it, just be it,” she reiterated.

She concluded her message by reminding the audience that, believers who desire to unleash the power of God in them must be wise, stay in their line, start with the little they have, have purpose, and have unwavering faith just as the little girl did. In her words, “If you want to be the best in whatever you’re doing, you must expose yourself to information, surround yourself with truthful friends, be humble and obedient, be real, and be persistent.”

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Day Two

The first session of Day Two was anchored by Pastor Jimi who spoke on the essence of having the unleashed power. According to him, something can be created out of nothing for believers since their Father, God, also brought forth something out of nothing as recorded in Genesis 1:1-28. “In your nothingness, all you need to do is speak,” he noted.

He further said that the mandate given to man by God is to have dominion over all His creation, noting that man has no limit in expense of domain because his God is limitless.

In his words, “Anywhere you find yourself, according to creation you have dominion because you have been given. God does not demand from you what he has not put in you. Your fruitfulness is not tied to the amount of the money in your bank account, your family background or the state of the economy. Your fruitfulness is tied to your dominion mandate. Because you are from the seed of heaven, fruitfulness is your birthright.”

Dwelling on Deuteronomy 8:18 and Matthew 6:33, Pastor J said that constant remembrance of one’s God; having access to Him; having a liberal spirit; being diligent; and having boldness are the formulas for multiplication for believers.

He said, “Your ability to be wealthy is beyond you, there is a covenant of wealth over your life. To tap into the wealth, you have to remember the Lord your God. Anything that you cannot give has power and control over you. To receive you have to first release. You also have to be Diligent. Whatever your heart finds to do, do it well. Don’t also be afraid of failure. Sometimes, the evidence of victory is a shut door and rejection is a tool that there is something bigger and better. The patterns of trouble do not indicate the absence of God. God is our only refuge and place of safety. In the times of trouble, He is our only refuge but refuge becomes refuge when we enter there.”

Pastor Paul Briggs took the second session for the day and he spoke on critical things that can cause a release from bondage. According to him, knowledge is important to anyone who would succeed in life. “Knowledge is critical in our times. You must gain knowledge by giving yourself totally to the word. Things happen to you because you believe them,” he said.

He also said that power and evangelism are important for a believer to be unleashed from the holds of setbacks. He opined that signs and wonders occur in the place of evangelism; noting that this would happen when one dips him or herself in the word of God. “Some people will need to go through a rehab in the word of God to break totally free from a habit. Two gates into your heart: your heart and your ears,” he noted.

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He, therefore, implored the audience to understand their identity in Christ because that would determine how the world would see them. “You are perfect for your destiny. So enjoy and celebrate yourself according to your value. People will rate you the same way you rate yourself,” he urged.

The audience thereafter went into a discussion session with Femi Jacobs, Pastor Deolu Adefarasin, Bankole Wellington (Banky W), Adaora Mbelu, and Chidinma Ekile as panelists. They dealt with issues on relationships, balancing spiritual life with career and secular work, and many other issues bothering youths.

While addressing the issue of balancing Christian life and secular jobs, Femi Jacobs noted that it can be quite challenging but when one knows and understands their God and why they’re doing what they are into, it would be easier to manage both.

Banky W also opined that nothing can ever separate a believer from the love of God even if they slip. “God has orchestrated even all of my mistakes to bring me to where I am today,” he said.

According to Adaora, once purpose is known, live becomes worth living. “Your purpose really is who is going to benefit as a result of your existence on earth,” she noted.

In Chidinma’s words, “I don’t think any gift God gives is evil, the devil doesn’t even give gifts. Nothing will stop me from taking my stand when it comes to God.”

The panelists urged the audience never to forget God because He is the Giver of life and all gifts and urged them to use their gifts to benefit humanity. “You need to have faith to move with God. Whatever music you want to do, do it but don’t forget God has your foundation. Be a good human being, live an intentional life in accordance with God’s purpose for your life. Live a life committed to love and service. It is time for us to look at building the vision God have for us for this country. Every single person here has the capacity to influence change,” they concluded.

The evening session was anchored by none other than Ubong King. The motivational speaker in his two-hour talk with the audience encouraged them to aspire for greatness irrespective of their place of birth or the circumstances that surrounded their birth. Sharing his life experience and how rough it was for him as a teenager, he said that great ideas rule the world and this may be difficult without mentorship.

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Also using the experiences of other achievers in the world as examples, Mr. King said that partnership is also important for achieving success. “Sometimes you need partnership to make it work. God needed partners to make the earth work in Genesis 1:26,” he said.

He then urged them to quit blaming others for their situation and change their way of thinking. “The problem is not your location, but your thinkation. Have dominion over everything God created. Your poverty is an insult to God. Stop eating your opportunities. The difference between an Eagle and a vulture is appetite,” he concluded. 

Day Three

The conference ended on Sunday, September 15 with a special anointing service.

While speaking on the theme of the Conference – Unleashed, Pastor Taiwo Odukoya said that the sustainability and continuous growth of God’s children cannot be limited because they have been set free from the hold of the devil whose mission according to John 10:10 is to restrain and prevent people from achieving their purpose. “You are not under the devil’s control because you are created to have dominion,” he said.

Speaking from Matthew 17:1-9, 2 Corinthians 5:21, Psalm 51: 5 and Romans 5:17, Pastor Taiwo said that everybody was created for a purpose, but sin becomes the leash on men hindering them from fulfilling the purpose they’ve been created for. According to him, all men were born leashed except for Jesus Christ; noting that His redemptive work on the cross, therefore, unleashes anyone who comes to Him and accepts Him from the hold of satan and sin.

Pastor Taiwo further urged the congregation to know who and whose they are as this is when they would be able to fulfil their purpose. “To fulfill your purpose in life, you need to be unleashed because it is only the unleashed that can unleash the leashed,” he said.

Reported by Becky Olorunpomi/Gbolahan Oyelakin