Pastor Mary Fayemi, while exhorting the congregation at the August 1 Sunday second service from Psalm 125:1-3, explained the difference between the rod of wicked and other rods.

According to her, while the shepherd’s rod is used to direct and guide the sheep; the rod of Moses was used by God to wrought miracles; the rod of correction is used to discipline erring children, while the rod of the wicked is the rod of affliction and oppression used to exercise authority to inflict unjust treatment through wicked plans, thoughts and attacks into and upon an individual’s area of interest.

The cleric also stated that such a wicked rod should not be the order of the day, maintain a permanent space or be in control in one’s affair, life or destiny, territory and possession

She added, “The rod of the wicked inconveniences, delays or slows one down and makes one uncomfortable. If you want to possess your possessions, you need to therefore confront the enemy and take back every area of your life from the hold of the enemy. This is when you will be able to deliver your family, neighbourhood, state and the nation.”

sunday service august 1 sunday service august 1 1 sunday service august 1 sunday service august 1 1 1

Pastor Mary further stated that the rod of wickedness is different from light afflictions; noting that even the light afflictions should not remain for so long with believers because the Lord delivers the righteous from their many afflictions just as the scripture says.

She also urged believers from Obadiah 1:17 and John 10:10 to stand up and take back their possessions; stating that they need to watch out for repeated negative patterns in the family and attacks from the devil.

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“The only enemy you have is the devil. So, don’t be too conscious of what the enemy can do that you forget what your God can do,” she said.  “You are the seed of the Lion of the tribe of Judah. Be conscious of your right and take your possessions back.”