Pastor Kunle Osunkunle of The Fountain of Life Church (TFOLC) has described fatherhood as a calling that requires prayers to succeed.

The preacher said this while ministering at the second service on Sunday, June 18, which also doubled as the Father’s Day for 2023.

He stated that the greatest influence in the life of Jesus was God, His Father, adding that men greatly influence their children’s lives.

According to Pastor Kunle, fatherhood is a ministry and an assignment that men have been called to, adding that they can succeed in that ministry when they make prayer a lifestyle. This, he noted, is because no ministry can thrive or survive without prayers.

Furthermore, he likened the role of a father to that of a warrior. The cleric said a father stands in prayer over his children and should constantly speak God’s Word over them. He added that even as a man is broad and strong in physique, so should his spirit.

“A good father prays because he knows he cannot father his children alone,” he said, encouraging fathers to be persistent in prayers.

Pastor Kunle stated that in raising their children, men must ensure that their homes resemble the Garden of Eden, where godly love was abundant. He reiterated that it is the responsibility of men to establish the spiritual direction of the home and ensure peace and unity.

“Just as God gives only good gifts to His children, a man must be a source of good gifts from his heart and pocket to his children,” he said.

The man of God also clarified the traditional mindset that fatherhood is just about material provision. According to him, it is more than that, as it entails birthing the destinies of one’s children.

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“You must not relegate the role of nurturing your children’s spiritual growth to your wife. Make it a priority to ensure that Christ is revealed in your children and that their destinies are fulfilled,” he said.

This assignment of fatherhood, the clergyman noted, can only be achieved by submitting to God, as that is when the counsel and wisdom to give to their children would be revealed to them.

He then urged fathers to ensure they are flowing into their children’s lives so that God’s blessings will manifest in them. He also encouraged fathers to get their children refreshed by spending quality time with them, correcting and instructing them in the way of the Lord.