Starting his message by reading 2 Kings 20: 1 – 6 and Luke 18: 1 – 5, Pastor Ebenezer Kayode, while ministering at the September 1 Sunday first service, noted that commitment and persistence are two powerful platforms he considers critical to effectual prayer life.

He pointed out that no one should ever give up on God. He declared, “We do not have any other choice but to stay on and focus on Him.”

Citing notable examples of the immense power and miraculous capacity embedded in consistent and persistent prayer, he quoted 1 Samuel 1:1–20. He mentioned that the Bible did not specify the years Hannah had been praying, but her persistence on just one request was noted. He said God could have chosen to answer her from the first day if He desired.

Pastor Ebenezer Kayode referenced Acts 12: 1-17 to show how the entire church prayed for divine intervention. He cited Jonah 3: 5–10 as another example of the importance of prayer, in which a nation gathered to stand in the gap to escape God’s judgement. The exploits of Moses, Joshua, and Elijah were mentioned as he continued to emphasise the importance and significance of prayer in the life of a Christian.

Probing the congregation’s consciousness, he asked whether these exploits could be replicated in our days. He answered in the affirmative, declaring that God has not changed. He read Isaiah 65:24 while explaining that God cares about answering the prayers of His children.

Furthermore, he said prayer should never be abandoned if there is to be any enduring achievement in life. Pastor Ebenezer taught that education, skills, and competencies are all subjected to spiritual power. He advised that priority must be given to one’s spiritual walk with God to have desired impacts on people, whether in any area of endeavour.

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For prayer to be effective, the Minister stated that it must be offered in faith with the understanding of one’s position in Christ. Secondly, he said it must be backed by obedience to God’s instructions. Thirdly, a Christian must live a Godly life and reflect on what he preaches. Lastly, he charged that appropriate declarations must be made daily to reflect the Word and those things that are desired.