The First Discovery for Women Rally, which held on Sunday, February 3, 2019, tagged “New Possibilities”, was an amazing time of worship, fellowship, testimonies, and exhortation for the women who gathered at the main auditorium of The Fountain of Life Church.

Pastor Taiwo introduced his message by noting that term, New Possibilities, implies a change in the status quo. According to him, every status-quo is defined by parameters and if one of the parameters is changed, then the outcome will be different. He then gave examples of those who experienced new possibilities in the Bible that were ignited by a change in parameters or strategies.


  • The man whose son had a mute spirit knew there was the possibility of a solution with Jesus. He came to Jesus, and he got the needed solution (Mk 9;14-29).


  • The woman with the issue of blood, having gone everywhere with no solution, changed her strategy and thought to herself that if only she could touch the hem of Jesus’ garment (Mt 5:25-29). It was a new thinking, different from the old strategy of physicians, culture and tradition. She thought differently and acted differently and it became a breakthrough for her.


  • The first man, Adam, giving names to all the animals in the garden (Gen 2:20). This was a first time as there was no precedence in this regard.


  • Peter, being the first human to walk on water (Mt 14:28-29), thought about the possibility of walking on water when he saw Jesus do same thing and he took a bold step.
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  • The centurion telling Jesus not to bother coming to his house but to just speak the word (Mt 8:8), and his servant was healed.

Pastor Taiwo then emphasized the fact that all these first-time occurrences and strategies started with the characters involved thinking about the possibilities in their minds. He then stated that this was similar to God’s methodology as whenever He wants to change His people, He starts by renewing their minds.

The man of God also spoke about events in history such as the idea of the light bulb, the construction of automobiles and airplanes which were all first-time inventions that were hitherto impossible but became possibilities.

He added that the reason we consider things impossible is because of the nature of the human mind which has become limited by history, tradition and culture. However, because our God is a God of New Possibilities, we must strive to think outside the norm and go to Jesus for creative thinking and witty inventions. He further noted that this new way of thinking has nothing to do with metaphysics, but meditating day and night on the laws of the Lord as stated in His word, then what people think is impossible, becomes an expectation for us. God’s children must fight against pre-conceived ideas with the word of God. He also enjoined his listeners never to judge their tomorrow by their past and to pull down the strongholds of known and established ways of thinking and also casting down wrong imaginations as stated in 2Cor 10:4-5. It was further stated in the sermon that children of God must carefully chose their words as power of life and death is in the tongue.

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Pastor Taiwo rounded up his message by stressing the fact that as Christians and covenant children of God, we are in a world of no impossibilities because Jesus said nothing is impossible! He noted that when God said Mary would give birth without a man, even though there was no antecedent, it happened. This, according to Pastor Taiwo, is because God is the epitome of all knowledge, so every new invention or innovation comes from Him, hence we need to constantly declare the fact that Jesus is our wisdom. He gave the example of Daniel in Babylon who was made the chief of the magicians because the Spirit of God rested heavily on him.

He concluded by noting that our attitude determines our results, therefore, he enjoined his listeners to always have the right attitude. Pastor Taiwo added that every challenge goes to show there’s a new possibility. In his words, “If there was no storm, Peter would not walk on water; if there was no food scarcity, we wouldn’t know the little boy’s five loaves can feed five thousand”. He also encouraged the congregants to always declare what they want with their mouths, because whenever it comes to the spirit of God, NEVER SAY, NEVER!