Pastor Taiwo in his Thursday Showers message to the congregation, spoke on the need for every believer to be constantly filled with the Holy Spirit. Reading from the Book of Acts 1: 4, he explained why Jesus, after His resurrection, instructed the disciples to wait in Jerusalem for a period until they received the Holy Spirit. Before then, the scriptures had promised of the Indwelling of The Holy Spirit as recorded in Joel 2: 28-29 and that moment finally came on the day of Pentecost as seen in the Book of Acts 2:1-4.

Pastor Taiwo, however, explained that since after Pentecost, there was no more need to “wait” again to be filled, as the Holy Spirit is being poured out fully to anyone willing to receive.

He stressed further that God does not desire that believers live the New Life in Christ Jesus without the help and assistance of Holy Spirit. “Only with Him are we able to comprehend fully and mature entirely into what God has in mind,” he said.

The full messages are available on CDs and DVDs at The Fountain of Life Church Digital Media Store.

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