Once you have received life through the Holy Spirit, you are qualified to receive power. These were the words of Pastor Taiwo at the June 2 Sunday service as he continued his message from last Thursday Showers on the Power of the Holy Spirit and the need for every believer to be filled with Him.

Reading from the Books of John 20:1-0;19-23 and Acts 1:4-8, Pastor Taiwo impressed upon the congregation to always crave for the in-filling of the Holy Spirit for it is only then will they experience an overflow of Life, Power, and Boldness to do that which they have been called to do. “Once you are filled with the Holy Spirit, you cannot remain the same. Once He in-fills you, you will overflow,” he said.

Pastor Taiwo went ahead to say that only those who embark on their divine calling without the help of the Holy Spirit will be frustrated. “Trying to do the things of the Spirit carnally will only lead to struggles,” he said. He, therefore, encouraged the church to always know who they are, the power they carry and to allow the Holy Spirit to do His work in them.



ALSO READ  'The Same Spirit That Raised Jesus Lives in Us', Pst Taiwo Declares at Easter Service