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Pastor Taiwo Odukoya at the November 8 Sunday service admonished believers to always abide in the Holy Spirit in order to enjoy His persistent comfort. Speaking from Acts 9:31, Romans 8:26-27 and 2 Corinthians 1:3-5, he said that Walking in the fear of the Lord and the comfort of the Holy Spirit are only possible by the help of the Holy Spirit Himself. This, he noted brings about peace and growth in their lives irrespective of their challenges.

Calling on individuals and the Church to rise to their responsibilities as the light of the world and stop every form of strife, Pastor Taiwo stated that where there is strife, there is no growth or peace. “As a people and as a Church, we must deal with and do away with every form of strife. When we do this and live in peace, we will experience growth. We can do with more peace in our lives, homes and the nation. There is never progress in chaos,” he said.

He noted that being a Christian does not exempt one from troubles in life. After all, Jesus Christ experienced troubles too and was tempted of the devil. He further stated that such a Christian will always have peace because the Holy Spirit will always be with them to comfort them.

He therefore enjoined Christians to stop fighting with darkness but to rather let their light shine. The only fight we are expected to fight, he stated, is the good fight of faith because life is a warfare. “All that the prophecies spoken over your life can only manifest when you play your role. You must fight to ensure those promises come to pass because their fulfilment will always be contended by the enemy,” he said.

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The full messages are available on CDs and DVDs at The Fountain of Life Church Digital Media Store.