While ministering at the September 11 Sunday second service, Pastor Tayo Kujore said that believers need to keep trusting God, maintaining that He never fails.

According to him, irrespective of the situation, God always comes through.

“The situation and the economy of now have denied people good faith. People are tired, but I also want to say to you, keep hope alive; keep faith alive,” he said in the sermon, citing Hebrews 11:1-3. “No matter how long it takes, God does not fail on His promises,” the cleric added.

He said God even pays back with interest, especially when one exercises patience on His promises. The preacher, who also narrated how he was gifted a phone when his former device became terrible, told the congregation that God could do beyond their expectations.

“The interesting thing about September is that it is the ninth month, and nine means completion. Is there a cycle you are going through now? God is saying, ‘From this month of September, I am completing it no matter how tough!’ he added.

Furthermore, he told the worshippers not to rely on their abilities, stressing that “when you think it is by your strength, it will be tough”.

He told them to equally have the fear of God, which brings understanding, a feature lacking in several leadership positions.


“The fear of God brings about good leadership,” the clergyman noted.

He continued by telling them, “when we are praying for this nation and its leadership; when we are praying for leadership across the board, let us pray for wisdom; the fear of God that brings about wisdom and, with wisdom, understanding.”

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Earlier in the service, prayers were also offered for Nigeria, with Pastor Ibukun Awosika anchoring that belt. She asked the worshippers to thank God for the anticipated victories over the nation’s challenges.

Pastor Bisoye Okwoli also took the Promise for the Week, asking the congregation to expect their rewards from God. Reading from Ruth 12:2, the personal finance expert said God never owes, noting that He pays beyond expectations.

“We serve a God that does not owe,” she said. But, she added that “the beautiful thing about the reward of God is that one plus one does not make two. One and one make a thousand when it comes to God.”

Pastor Okwoli declared to the worshippers, “those things you have lost, God is bringing them back! Those things you think you have lost because you are following God, you are set for a reward!