Some weeks ago, during Thursday Showers, I picked a promise which said that God will cover me. I felt it was a wrong promise because it was a miracle I needed as I have been jobless for some years. Then, I had a job interview at Lekki the following Tuesday, so I prepared for it on Monday. At night of that Monday, I had a dream where Pastor Taiwo woke me up and said, “The blood of Jesus protects you.” I woke up immediately and I said “NO, it is not protection I need now but breakthrough on the job interview”. So, I started praying and converted the protection to breakthrough and after the prayer, I prepared for the interview.

While at my bus stop in Ikorodu, a car drove by calling Lekki passengers. About five of us rushed into the car and we started the journey. As we got to Alapere, I perceived the spray of a perfume and that was the last thing I remembered; we all slept off. Then, in my sub-conscious state, I felt pastor Taiwo’s hand tapping me again saying, “it’s time to go.” I woke up and discovered that we were at NNPC and Rainbow bus stop on Festac road. I looked at the other four people and discovered that they were still sleeping.

Then I shouted at the driver and queried him on why he changed the route; that we were supposed to be on our way to Lekki, what are we doing at Festac. He shouted back at me to shut up. Then he made a call and told the person on the other end, “Oga, one spanner has woken up o.” and I heard the voice from the other line said, “Waste the spanner.” That was when it occurred to me that I had been kidnapped. Then I started praying to God to rescue me. How can I be looking for job and lose my life? The guy kept shouting at me to keep quiet and I refused, telling him that I won’t keep quiet. Then he asked which church I attend and I told him The Fountain of Life Church.

ALSO READ  Praying with Faith Is a Game Changer - Pastor Taiwo Odukoya

He then told me that my blood is special as he didn’t feel like killing me. He asked me to give him my phone and other things I had on me. I initially hesitated to give him my phone, but when he touched me with his gun and I felt the hotness of the gun, I released it. He then asked me to go out of the car and he threw me out of the car. I only sustained injuries but my life was saved.

I want to thank God who covered and protected me and didn’t allow me to lose my life. Halleluyah!

Bro Gbemiro Ogundola