Last year March, one of my husband’s colleagues at the office saw a job offer and asked him (my husband) to apply and he applied for the job casually. In May, he got an email where the company apologised to him for the non-consideration of his application out of over Ten Thousand applications they had gotten.

Towards the end of September, he was due for a promotion in his office. His boss assured him that the promotion would come and that his name would be on the list of those to be promoted, which would be out on October 1. But by the following day, the same boss called him and told him that they were sorry but his name wouldn’t be on the list anymore and that he should not feel bad if he didn’t see his name on the list.

That day, when he got home, he told me that the promotion wouldn’t be coming forth and for the first time, I saw my husband cry like a baby. He felt so bad, but he didn’t know that the God of double honours was preparing him for greater things.

Throughout that first week of October, everybody in the family was down and we were just hoping and praying that something good would come up. A week later, the same organisation that didn’t consider his application in May sent him another mail asking him to send them his credentials if he was still interested in the job and that he should also tell them when he would be available for an interview.

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He told me and I encouraged him to go ahead and take things easy. He did the interview and a week later, while we were waiting for the result, another offer came from Saudi Arabia asking him to give them a date for an interview. While that one was ongoing, he got another mail from the Island asking him to give them time for an interview. Throughout October, he was just getting job offers from different countries.

Lo and behold in November, the first organization called and informed him that if he is ready to start, he could start and the offer letter came. In fact, from November to date, we are still reading the offer letter because the benefits are just too many. They are just too beautiful and  I don’t even know how to explain it. Indeed, God of double honours is our God and He turned our shame around.

Last Thursday, I went to drop him off at the airport before coming for Thursday Showers. He has gone to resume work in Cote d’Ivoire at the company’s headquarters. But before he left, the same organisation that had refused to promote him requested that he have a dinner with all the partners of the company before he leaves because the partners all wanted to have that dinner with him. They were practically begging him to see them before he leaves.

I want to give glory to God and I want to thank God that the shame the devil thought he had planned for us, he turned it around in our favour. Praise the Lord!

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