Pastor Odukoya has reminded believers to always apply order in whatever they do, noting that God is a God of order, hence His covenant children should apply the same in their lives. He said this at the October 29 Thursday Showers where he noted that many fail because they get unnecessarily emotional, forgetting to apply this principle in their businesses, personal or corporate life.

He went on to note that where there is chaos and disorderliness, nothing meaningful would be achieved; just as the devil tried to cause chaos and disorderliness in heaven, but was flung out of Heaven. He admonished that by living and walking in a covenant relationship with God, will a believer live a productive life-giving the devil no grounds in their life.

“The ground you allow the devil, he begins to take permanently; that is why the devil pushes constantly,” the pastor said. He went further to maintain that over-ambition brings trouble for a lot of people causing them to be blind to the point they forget they are human. “Many people cut-off their destinies over stupid and selfish ambitions,” he added.

This he said while making reference to the story of Abraham and Lot from the Book of Genesis 13:1-14. The clergyman hinted that there is no selfishness in a God-Covenanted relationship and therefore
advised his listeners not to forget their beginning, insisting that it would put them in a position of perpetual thanksgiving.

In his words, “be humble and desist from any form of oppression and selfishness. Handle matters carefully and be more prayerful.”

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In her words of encouragement during the November 1 Sunday Service, Pastor Nomthi Odukoya, who took the promise from Isaiah 62:1-3, declared that for the sake of the worshippers, God will not rest, noting that anything dark around them would be dealt with by God.

According to her, the worshippers were described as God’s glory, and that God rejoices over them. While noting that only the grace and mercies of God would last long in their lives, she expressed happiness that Fountaineers have found favour in the eyes of the Lord and that God’s love toward humanity is unconditional.