Speaking on the power to possess one’s possessions, Pastor Kunle Osunkunle told the congregation at the February 21 Sunday second service that staying in the place of prayers and allowing God to possess one are vital steps in possessing their possessions as promised in Obadiah 1:17.

According to him, God’s intention for His children is for them to possess their possessions. He however noted that it is a promise in its potential form which would require them accessing it to make it a reality in their lives.

“If you remain a child, you can’t possess your possessions even though you have been given the mandate. If you don’t know how to contend or access your possession, you may never possess it,” he said.

Speaking from Galatians 4:1, Ephesians 2:10, Isaiah 40:29-31, 1 Peter 2:2 and Isaiah 37:3, the clergy noted that energy is an impartation from within that is a result of intercourse with the spirit of God; adding that the Holy Spirit is the heavenly technology that the devil can’t hack and a search engine that helps believers to download heaven into their hearts.  This, he said can be received in the place of prayers.

He said, “Acceleration is not by running, it’s by waiting. Wait before God for instruction before running so you don’t waste time because when you waste time, you waste life. Don’t be lazy in the place of prayers. Without prayers, you will be imitating the strategies of the world that will be melted with fervent heat. One way to keep your life in alignment with God is prayer.”

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He then urged them to not joke with prayers as it’s a vital tool needed to receive downloads from heaven on how to possess their possessions.

“The dimension of your life has been laid out but it needs to be downloaded from heaven by you so you can build according to pattern. God needs you to believe Him in order to possess your possessions,” he urged.

The full message is available on CDs and DVDs at The Fountain of Life Church Digital Media