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Pastor Nomthi Odukoya

The Home Affairs hangout, a forum where the women of The Fountain Of Life Church (TFOLC) come together to talk, discuss and pray about issues concerning marriages, held their second meeting for the year on February 20, 2021.

The hangout with the theme “Testimony” was held on the Zoom platform and it saw women from all walks of life in attendance.

Pastor Nomthi, while ministering from Revelations 11, Ezekiel 37 and 1st Corinthians 13, told the women that at every stage in life, challenges are present and require sacrifices for there to be testimonies.

She said, “There are challenges that comes with marriage else you won’t grow, when God gives us testimonies, we love our lives so much that we do not want to make sacrifices.”

She went on to say that love is a sacrifice which is not only to be shown on a specific day (Valentine’s Day) or with a specific thing but that love is kind and suffers long which is what we hear in some testimonies pertaining to marriages.

She further went on to say to the women that, checking their love level is key when prophesying in marriage. “It is according to prophesy that marriages can be, sometimes we expect people to prophesy over our lives but you can also prophesy over your situation,” she said.

Pastor Nomthi concluded her message by telling them to testify more, as testimonies inspire, encourages and that hearing what God has been doing in the lives of people is inspiring.

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She said, “Hearing testimonies in marriage will help someone else going through the same situation.”

The meeting ended with various testimonies being shared from the women in attendance.