Speaking from the book of 1John 5: 4-5, Pastor Oladipupo Babatunde, while ministering at the March 27 Sunday first service, noted that Christians are described using different terms like, winners, redeemed, overcomers and so on. According to him, the term, ‘overcomer’ talks about victory in a fight or a struggle.

Pastor Oladipupo Babatunde went further to say that two churches exist. “In Hebrew 12:1, the verse talks about the church in Heaven, which is the cloud of witnesses, while the church on earth refers to us, Christians.

“The church in Heaven is called the Church Triumphant and the church on earth is, Church Militant. You cannot be triumphant if you have not fought a battle. You must overcome for you to become an overcomer.”

The clergyman, reading from the book of 1John 16:33, added that overcomers do not fight to gain victory, they fight from the position of victory.

“This is because Jesus has already overcome the world. We are sitting in the position of authority with Him. He challenged us to emulate one of the characteristics of the devil, which is being consistent.

“The devil is always consistent in doing the same thing and never changes. It is also his weakness because his nature is to steal, kill and destroy,” he added.

The cleric went further to say that in Colossians 2:15, Jesus publicly destroyed the devil. He stated: “God commanded us Christians in the book of Genesis 1:26, to subdue and dominate the earth. Positionally, we have victory but if it is not enforced, we will not be victorious. Life is not a playing field but a war field.”

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Pastor Oladipupo Babatunde declared from Matthew 11:2 that only the violent will take it by force. “The devil is looking for Christians who do not know their authority to devour them. The only language he understands is violence,” the Pastor said.

In concluding, Pastor Oladipupo Babatunde admonished Fountaineers that God is seeking intimacy and a relationship with them.