Taking the promise for the week in Psalm 115:15, Pastor Nomthi at the October 6 Sunday service reminded the congregation that, when God blesses, there is no sorrow added. This, according to her, is unlike when people bless and it is never permanent.

She noted that sometimes the devil pretends to bless people but it is always in exchange for something more valuable. “But not so with God. God blesses you because He loves you and His blessings are new every day. His blessing today will be different and better than previous blessings,” she said.

Pastor Nomthi warned against parading or boasting in false blessings, the source of which is not God. Such gifts, she said, will only bring sorrow. “Who is the source of that blessing or gift you are showing off? If it is not from God, it will bring you sorrow. God should always be your source; that way, your blessing will not be stolen or taken back.”

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