In her admonition to the worshippers at the November 21 Thursday Showers service, Pastor Nomthi said Christians should always remember God’s promises to them in His Word. This, she said, would make them not to be confused in the midst of life’s challenges. “Don’t go about seeking answers when you already have everything you need in His Word. Focus on Jesus and His Word,” she enjoined.

Speaking from Act 1:9-11 and Luke 2:38, Pastor Nomthi urged believers never to allow anything distract them from focusing on God’s promises to them but to rely solely on Him no matter what happens. This, she noted, would always yield awesome testimonies in the end as well as confer on them God’s vote of confidence. “Allow God to use you to brag. Live in such a way that it becomes easy for God to say that you are truly His ambassador,” she said.

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