I got married in December 2013. After some time, I got pregnant, but soon after I started spotting. I went to the hospital where it was discovered that I had an ectopic pregnancy and needed to do an urgent surgery. It felt like my world was crushing as I have never heard the word “ectopic pregnancy” before. I was confused and crying, my husband comforted me and the surgery was performed. I lost one of my fallopian tubes in the process, but the doctor told us that one fallopian tube is enough to get pregnant again.

My husband lost his job in January 2014, so we decided not to get pregnant immediately but we started trying for a baby again in November of the same year. By January 2015, I became pregnant but I had a miscarriage and underwent an evacuation in February.

We started trying again and in July, I tested positive but about 45 days after, my period came, they call it chemical pregnancy (an early pregnancy loss that occurs shortly after implantation). I became pregnant again in August 2015 and by September, I noticed I was spotting again. I visited the hospital and the scan revealed that I had another ectopic pregnancy. The doctors had to perform another emergency surgery to save my life but my fallopian tube burst. I wailed as I rolled on the floor thinking I would never have a baby of my own with both fallopian tubes gone.

I was advised by one of the Gynecologists at the hospital to try IVF. The Gynecologist also gave me a contact. We started our research on IVF and visited an IVF Clinic. We raised money and I tried my first IVF in January 2016, but it failed. I cried my life out. I felt God didn’t love me and didn’t want me to have a child. Apart from the fact that I had a job, nothing else was working for us and my husband still had no job.

ALSO READ  God Gave My Husband Double Honour for His Shame

We tried another IVF in the month of May and it failed again. I asked why God would let me go through all the pains with my husband not getting a job yet. Still, we kept praying and fasting, believing God for a miracle. We tried the third IVF in September 2015 which failed again. At this point, let me say that God gave me an amazing man as a husband, he was very supportive and understanding; he’s my pillar of support.

I got tired as we could no longer afford money for another IVF. One day, I asked my husband if I could go back to attending the Fountain of Life, which was my church before I got married; he obliged me and I started coming to Fountain. That was the best decision we took as it marked a turning point in our lives. I started understanding the undiluted Word of God and knowing Him deeper. Our prayer life also improved tremendously. I forgot about my pains and challenges and started developing a Father-Daughter relationship with God, attending programmes and also inviting people. I took my mind off my problems and concentrated on living a purpose driven life and I kept declaring His words and promises over my life and marriage.

My miracle began afterwards. My IVF Doctor told me he wouldn’t collect money from me again for IVF procedure until I got pregnant. I was happy and grateful to God, He brought me here and made a way for me. March 2017, we had our fourth IVF procedure and it failed again. I cried but I wasn’t broken like before because I now know I’m a fruitful and joyful mother of children and I will have my children surrounding my table.

ALSO READ  God Vindicated My Husband!

In August 2017, we tried the fifth time and it failed again. Though I cried, I had this peace that surpassed any human understanding within me. I was joyful and I kept seeking God and preaching His gospel. My friends started calling Pastor and I kept on talking to people that are going through the same challenges in my office. I would always encourage and ask them to keep praying and trusting His word. I would also pray with them forgetting about my own issues. I kept digging in into the word of God and my husband was also digging along with me. Pastor Taiwo also told us to trust in God

We had our sixth attempt in December 2017 and in January 2018, it was positive. I got pregnant because my God is too faithful to fail, my husband did not have a job yet, but God in His infinite mercy opened doors for us and sent helpers to us, we never lacked anything. I had a beautiful baby girl on the 12th of September 2018 in the United States. I’m grateful to God; 2018 was indeed my year of Covenant Realities.

My thinking about life has changed completely. His ways are not our ways. All we need to do is to trust Him completely and He will move mountains for us, it is a two-way relationship. God wants us to obey and seek Him and He will always fulfil His part.