The month of July ushers us to the mid-point of the year, it is usually likened to January – resolutions are revisited with the intentions to ensure and improve expected results. The mid-year is a time to reflect on our journey so far into the year.  In order to ensure the attainment of their desired goals and ascent to higher heights, individuals and organizations review the resolutions, strategies and plans made in January, identify and assess gaps in their execution and control, and implement corrective actions through adjustments or changes where necessary.

This year was christened our year of A New Song ­(the Promise for the Year). The Scripture that backed up the promise is Psalm 40: 1 – 3; the means to the end clearly provided. Verse 1 informs us to wait patiently (the means), this is critical to getting us to that new song (the end). Your New Song is the baby of your patient wait. The natural man wants everything now, but not so with God Who makes things beautiful in His time (Eccl. 3:11). That new song requires a wait for God’s help – and that, with an attitude of patience. The verb wait, is defined as “stay where one is or delay action until a particular time or event”. In other words, “be still” – plain and simple!

The rude interruption of the COVID-19 pandemic in our daily lives has impacted our normal, thereby recording negative and/or positive outcomes in ways never imagined. Now we have a new normal, where technological solutions, social media and online communications (i.e. meetings, watch parties, conferences, webinars, etc.) have become the mandatory order of the day to stay relevant. The natural man might find this experience contrary to the promise of A New Song, but God is in control of it all. It is a time of agility and speedy response, waiting, not to mention patient waiting, seems to be no option. It is natural to be up and doing, like never before. The flesh does not want to be left behind in the gains of COVID-19 pandemic, neither to be caught by the destruction it inflicts. What an irony!

ALSO READ  'You Will End This Year with New Songs to Our God' - Pst Taiwo

Irrespective of the circumstances or situations confronting us today, God calls us to be still or wait patiently – that is His style (Ps. 46: 10, Ps. 37:7). He loves us to be at peace with Him, to be calm and have rest of mind, confident that He will bring His promise to pass. A patient wait enables us receive God’s assistance and upliftment – we get His attention to hear our cries and to take further actions in our favour. He is the God of precision and intention – He longs to meet us at the very points of need, as well as surpass our expectations.  In waiting patiently, our hearts are being circumcised daily and our faith is renewed, through word of God and the finished work of Christ Jesus. Being still enables us to openly receive His divine aid and heed His instructions. We are thus led from faith to faith (Rom. 1:17), strength to strength (Ps. 84:7) and depths of wisdom (James 3:17) as we journey to our New Song.

How have you fared thus far on the journey? Have you been in a hurry? Have you been doing things your own way? Have you been patient but not waiting? Have you been waiting but not patient? No matter the successes you might have today, a touch of patient wait will bring in far better results. It is a simple instruction, a wisdom nugget – so reasonable and apt for every circumstance. God is calling you out of your way of thinking and doing things, into your understanding and continual acknowledgement that He is God and above all. Remain rooted and grounded in His love, at peace in Him. Be still! Stop moving around in circles, give those concerns over to God to handle, let go and let God have His way! Wait patiently, it’s the easiest, sanest and quickest way to your New Song. Reflect and realign!

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Oluyemi Ajunwon