The Bishop’s Court of The Fountain of Life Church, a fellowship of married men with a unique God-centered identity held their annual Breakfast Meeting with Pastor Taiwo Odukoya on Saturday, July 6. 2019 at the prestigious Habour Point in Victoria Island, Lagos.

Opening the atmosphere with a word of prayer, the Men’s Fellowship choir led the guests in a melodious praise session after which Bro. Bukola Ladipo led the guests through a 20-minute exercise session. The Chairperson of the Bishop’s Court, Mr. Seyi Sowemimo, who gave the opening address, appreciated the men for honoring their invitation. He noted that the fellowship which was instituted by Pastor Taiwo Odukoya was solely to encourage men to become better husbands, fathers and positive influencers in society. Emphasizing the importance of the fellowship, Bro Sowemimo noted that as agents of inter-relationship, men ought to seek counsel when they face challenges to avoid depression.


Testifying of God’s goodness, Bro. Bolaji related how God healed him from acute knee pain after anchoring his faith in the testimony God’s healing power on a cancer patient at the last anointing service and speaking Psalm 103:3 into his situation.

Bro. Seun, sharing his testimony, narrated how God turned around a stagnant situation for him and also promoted him in an impossible working environment.

The Senior Pastor of The Fountain of Life Church, Pastor Taiwo Odukoya, in his opening charge, advised men to always be themselves as this is the beginning of a lifetime of victory. Speaking on the theme of the meeting, “Man in our Image”, Pastor Taiwo explained the meaning of the word “image and likeness” in the passage during the creation of man. He revealed that the context simply means the creation of man is in the image of the Godhead. Man’s problems have basically stemmed from having a misconception of our image, he said.

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Flipping the word “our image” in the passage with “self-image”, Pastor Taiwo defined self-image as how we see ourselves. He noted that to assume a life of meaning, we need to see who we are through the lenses of what God has made us, particularly for our life’s assignment.” Dwelling on the characteristics of God’s image and the uniqueness of man in the creation order, Pastor hinted that God had to shift His statement from “Let there be” to “Let us make” before man came into being. Though the word “us” used in the context has been debatable as its either God speaking with the angels or things created, it’s obvious that the angels are not created in God’s image neither the animals, so in the context of “our image”, He was speaking to Himself. Referencing Colossians 1:15-17 and John 1:1 to buttress his point, he said, “God created man as an extension of Himself here on earth. Man is therefore created for fellowship, intimacy, and relationship”.

Explaining the spiritual implication of God creating man, Pastor Taiwo noted that God fortified man with power and dominion to deal with the devil here on earth. Zooming in on man as a husband, Pastor Taiwo reminded the attendees that the role of the husband is to love the wife, while the woman submits to the leadership and authority of the man. He noted that God’s intervention is sure when he assumes the responsibility of leadership. Love, being the first assignment of man is always attacked by the devil, but wherever a man expresses his love, it blossoms. Man should remain the custodian of Love in their home, Pastor Taiwo counselled.

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Closing his exhortation, Pastor noted that everything in life starts with a seed, and it should always be activated. The confidence of our children, he said, must be boosted through love and affirmation. As men, we are equipped with power, love and sound mind and understanding this births success. He added that for man to fully manifest these virtues, our gaze must constantly be on Jesus as we have access to talk to him about anything and everything and in so doing we are formed into the right image of Him.