Pastor Taiwo has once again urged believers to manage their lives well by doing what pleases God and watching their habits.

He said this at the July 2 online Thursday Showers when he shared with the online participants on how to manage their lives in desperate times.

“Life is a gift and a fraction of eternity. So, you need to manage it well by getting closer to the giver, God, and imbibing positive habits,” he said.

Speaking from Ephesians 5: 15-20 and Joshua 1:8, Pastor said that prioritizing God’s will in one’s life brings safety and peace in the midst of challenging or desperate times.

“God wants you to handle this gift of life with care and thanksgiving. When you begin to value God with everything
you have via His word and you seek His desires over your own ambition, you will manage your life well and will not make mistakes,” he said.

In his words, “Two major things that will help you manage your life well and overcome challenging times are: seeking to do the will of God and being filled with the Holy Spirit. These would help you overcome other negative spirits like rage, fornication, anger, jealousy and so on.”

Pastor Taiwo further explained that when believers concentrate on doing the will of God and have constant fellowship with His Spirit, they become what He has created them to be.

“You are created with dominion, so don’t yield the dominion to bad habits. Let nothing created be the controller of your life, you are created to control those things. You can be the best God wants you to be,” he explained.

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He, therefore, urged them to always be conscious of and be filled with the Spirit of God. This, he said, would help them sail through whatever challenges come their way.

“You must be willing and desirous to be filled with the Holy Spirit. The more you get into the word, the more you are
filled with the Holy Spirit,” he said.

The full messages are available on CDs and DVDs at The Fountain of Life Church Digital Media