Pastor Oyindamola Soderu, at the commencement of her ministration during the July 18 Sunday second service called the attention of the congregation to the truth that Jesus remains the major Miracle and Possession everyone desires.

She acknowledged that while there are indeed issues, Jesus is the answer to all.

According to her, God is the Tsunami against all troubles and He is in control no matter the realities of the Devil’s activities.

“Even if we are going through the valleys of the shadow of death; we are not clueless as God is our Guide and Shepherd,” she said.

Taking her main text from Matthew 13: 44 -46, she exhorted that the biggest miracle has already been given to every child of God and it only takes careful consideration to know or acknowledge it.

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While referencing the events of 2 Samuel 5: 18 – 21, she brought to fore the fact that the great breakthrough and deliverance witnessed by David was not the main deal but rather the presence and assurance of God. She emphasized that God was the breakthrough and not the defeat of the Philistines.

The cleric further read from 2 Corinthians 5:17 to say that each believer walks in generational blessings.

She admonished that it is unchristianly to believe the lies of village people when God has declared a blessing on us. She called the attention of the people to the Scripture that we are the apple of His eyes.