Pastor Gbenga Onabanjo of The Fountain of Life Church (TFOLC), Ilupeju, Lagos, has called on Christians not to lose faith irrespective of what they are going through.

The cleric further posited that how a person handles challenges defines him.

Making the remark during his sermon during the first service of Sunday, January 16, the man of God stated that life happens to all but to the extent of how one relates to what life brings along one’s way is what makes a man who he is.

According to Pastor Gbenga Onabanjo, “How do you react to adversities? That is my question this morning. When adversities come, do you deny God and lose faith? Do you wear a sombre and sorrowful look and then turn it into a pity party?”

Quoting Genesis 37:3, Pastor Gbenga said Joseph never denied God and continued to show love to his family despite what he was passing through at the time.

“I want us to learn from the attitude of Joseph,” the preacher said, pointing out that challenges are inevitable in the life of the believer.

He continued, “At one point in time in life, we are all going to go through this.” However, in buttressing that God will not leave them stranded, Pastor Gbenga Onabanjo cited Isaiah 43: 2 to buttress his point.

“Church, we have to be careful. Sometimes, when we are going through these challenges, God is testing us. He is preparing you, strengthening you and making you more equipped to perform well when you get to the place of assignment that He is preparing for you.

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“Irrespective of the challenges, Christians should not lose sight of the need to help others,” Pastor Gbenga Onabanjo added.

According to him, having compassion, no matter the situation, opens up doors for breakthroughs.

“Are you always concerned when you see your brothers in a bad state? Do you just shrug your shoulders and walk away? When you attend to the needs of your brother, God will attend to your needs,” he said.