Pastor Oyindamola Soderu of The Fountain of Life Church, TFOLC, has described gratitude as one of God’s secrets.

She asserted the first service on Sunday, July 3, 2022, at the TFOLC headquarters in Lagos State.

Pastor Oyindamola Soderu, who referenced Colossians 3:17 and Psalm 100:4-6, said believers need to have gratitude goals that include thanking God intentionally for His goodness, thanking Him in crisis, famine, sickness, plenty, and at crossroads.

“You need to learn to thank God in all and through all,” she said.

According to her, God knows everything and has sorted it, so a believer should enter His presence with thanksgiving and His court with praise. Finally, she reminded the congregation that God’s presence is with them everywhere.

“God’s presence is not only when you come into the four walls of the church. The presence of God is always with you anywhere you find yourself. There is no holiday from being a child of God,” Pastor Oyindamola Soderu maintained.

For her, believers should always be grateful for all and through all, stating that that should be a lifestyle for them.

She said: “The Lord is good, and His mercy endures forever. So don’t complain about adversity or grumble. Gratitude is not magic but a lifestyle. Don’t show gratitude to God because you want something from Him; let it be a lifestyle and see the result. You can’t practise gratitude without recording success.”

The preacher said an attitude of thanksgiving was one of God’s secrets she gleaned from Pastor Taiwo’s messages from the past two months. According to her, God hears everyone’s prayers, especially those for Pastor Taiwo Odukoya.

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“So don’t stop praying and giving thanks to God on behalf of our pastor,” she added.

Speaking from Deuteronomy 29:29 and Colossians 1:27, the clergywoman said that the secret of God might be hidden to the entire world, but there are people He wants to reveal His secrets to, and those are His covenant people. She further noted that an essential open secret of God is that Christ is with His own.

Pastor Oyindamola Soderu also read Psalm 25:14 and said that anyone who wants to know these kingdom secrets must accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. She explained that these secrets are only for people who have a covenant with God.