The Holy Spirit is the engine room of a believer. When you give your life to Christ, the Holy Spirit
automatically comes upon you but because the nature of the Holy Spirit is gentle and not forceful,
he requires your permission for you to feel his presence and power over your life (1 Corinthians

When you do not give permission to the Holy Spirit, you sort of short-change yourself because the
Holy Spirit won’t have access to your life thereby hindering his works in your life. so you need to
surrender and give your all to the Holy Spirit.

Power is available in the Holy Spirit (Acts1:8), and this power gives you the courage, ability, authority and confidence you need to fulfill your destiny and to also carry out the commandment of the great the commission which was given to us (Matthew 28:18-20).

THE CREATIVE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT: The world came to be by the power of the Holy Spirit (Genesis 1:2). The Spirit has been even before the existence of man and was further revealed in the continuous creation of mankind – nature, the growth of plants and every other beautiful thing that God created.
THE RESTORATIVE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT: It was through the power of the Holy Spirit that Christ was raised from the dead. Also whenever we experience weaknesses or sicknesses in our bodies, it is the power of the Holy Spirit that restores us. We should never forget that we carry the same spirit that quickened Christ’s body in us so whenever sickness comes we fight it with the word.
THE PROTECTIVE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT: The Holy Spirit is committed to our safety and security. It protects us from any evil occurrence. We need to trust the power to deliver us from any battles we may face.
THE DESTRUCTIVE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT: The story of Ananias and Sapphira shows us that the Holy Spirit cannot be fooled.

ALSO READ  'The Holy Spirit Strengthens and Encourages' – Pastor Gbenga Onabanjo

The church cannot be expanded except we have the power of the Holy Spirit. He is the greatest
companion we can ever have as believers. So we need to trust Him to enable us to do exploits and to
lead and teach us to spread the Word.