Pastor Tosin Sowemimo has declared that the children of God can never get enough of their Father’s love.

During the first service of Sunday, January 6, she declared that God always introduces Himself, His Majesty and abilities.

Referring to God’s letter to the seven churches as recorded in Revelation 1:1, the clergywoman revealed that God always introduces Himself, His Majesty and abilities.

According to Pastor Tosin Sowemimo, “He always wants us to know who He is and what He can do. He establishes the fact that He is supreme and reigns in the affairs of man with all Majesty.”

The clergywoman further stated that the Lord wants the church to know that it is time to get back to her first love; added that the reverent fear of the Lord as a church must be the objective of believers.

“Being familiar with the grace of God should not let us take Him for granted. But, in as much as we have access to the throne of grace, it does not mean it has to be watered down. On the contrary, our reverence for God and spiritual things should never be a thing to toy with,” she said.

Pastor Tosin Sowemimo equally hinted that God would not cease to reveal to His children their shortcomings, just as He did to the churches.

“To each church, after listing their good works, God pointed out areas they fell short and charged them to make corrections. He wants ALL or NOTHING.

“Our level of commitment should be total. God seeks a hundred percent of us and not ninety-nine percent. He wants the totality of us. He loves us with passion and demands the same from us,” she noted.

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The preacher urged believers not to be found compromising their faith to please men. While noting that God is not pleased with Christians that are cold or lukewarm, Pastor Tosin Sowemimo said, “He wants us hot and vibrant at all times.”

She concluded by charging the congregation to always put God first in all they do and walk in His will, noting that it is not enough to have their names written in the book of life, but they should be more concerned about it not being blotted out.

The complete messages are available on the Church’s Youtube channel, The Fountain (TV) and TOM TV (Taiwo Odukoya Ministry). They are also available on CDs and DVDs at The Fountain of Life Church Digital Media Store