Hello Honourable,

Hope you are enjoying God’s Unflinching Mercy. Our Sunday service was great, here is the summary of Pastor Taiwo’s message for you to stay connected to God’s word for this season.

Whoever Will Believe Will Receive

Whatever you say on earth is very important because whatever you say about the situation about and around you, whether good or bad, will produce for you (Mark 11: 20-24, Proverbs 8:21, James 3:5-6, Proverbs 12:13 -14 &19).

You are never above your thought life; it is your thoughts that are conveyed by your words. When you believe what you are saying, then it will happen.

If only you would say and believe in your heart, you’d move any stubborn mountain before you. You cannot speak good things when you have an evil heart. The mouth doesn’t speak except from the abundance of the heart. It is what the mind is filled with that is conveyed by the mouth (Matthew 12:34). 

How to Maintain a Positive Heart

By watching what you’re exposed to – What you hear is important to how you form your mind-set.

By dwelling on God’s word This will help your heart to be regenerated to have good thoughts so that you won’t be affected by the lies of the devil and the negative norms of the world.

You are never above your thought life and your thoughts are converted by your mouths and they define you. What you can establish in your heart, you would be able to establish in the physical.

ALSO READ  Be Drunk in the Spirit, Pastor Taiwo Tells Fountaineers

Remember, the generating room is your heart. Once your heart can process it, your mouth will produce it and then it would yield results for you.


  1. God loves you dearly and is intentional about you. Deliberately spend time with Him daily.
  2. God’s economy is yours to enjoy. Stay plugged in.
  3. Choose to obey every instruction God gives to you.
  4. Keep confessing and declaring God’s word over every area of your life.