My name is Adeola Taiwo. I am a twin. We were born into a Christian family with an orthodox background, which I found boring. As much as we were going to church, and with the strict doctrines and disciplines, I couldn’t say I knew Christ personally. It was more of a routine for me.

In February, 2004, myself and my twin brother decided to leave the family church and find a church that has the in-depth Word of God, and at the same time has young-minded people serving Christ. By May of the same year, I decided to follow my elder brother to The Fountain of Life Church and I saw Pastor Bimbo on the pulpit teaching the Word. The words hit home, and I decided right away that this is my church. I was then introduced to young people like me. In all this, I wasn’t still born again, but the Word of God I was listening to was being stored in my heart.

In December 2004, I went to a club around Mende, Maryland with some of my old friends; spending money that we made easily, dancing and rocking the party for more than five hours. I, however, noticed that there was a part of me that was not happy still, and a voice kept asking me why I was wasting my time at that event when I was supposed to be resting at home. About 30 minutes after this thought surged within me, there was a gunshot close to me from outside the club. I had to run for dear life and since then I made up my mind not to go to the club except for a good purpose. That incident gave me the mindset that God loves me because the gunshot was so close to me and I may have been dead. That was when I knew I needed to be closer to God.

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Then in 2005, there was a programme for the youths at the old auditorium. It was at this event that I gave my life to Christ when the altar call was made. I didn’t know what came over me, but I just had these feelings that this is the time to be closer to Christ. I went out and asked Him to come into my life. Since then, I have been standing by His grace, walking in His will by His grace. I won’t say I am there because I am still improving, but definitely, I am better than the way I used to be. I have fought many battles, seen many challenges, but I thank God I am still here standing strong in Him. There is no life outside of Christ truly.